AlphaDawg's Mandala (
perenially beta
Beyond Greed
''Gnodal'' at LJ
Basic Bliss
MozDawg on DAV and Docs
to see whose pages are near mine in
Authoring and annotating documents over the web, and maintaining version control ... what a concept! Yaa!
Under the bridge:
"Why Refactor DocBook?" and "More Ruminations on D...
Well, I'm back at it ... working on a XUL front en...
The boys at blogspot have their hands full tonight...
Accessing yields the ...
I almost got in touch with some of the folks I was...
From O'Reilly Network, Extending the Mozilla Edit...
"Zen and the art of computer crashes!" ... ohh, if...
Boxes and Arrows: Views and Forms: Principles of T...
PHP Manual: COM support functions for Windows Al...
"dfm2gui is a Perl program that converts Delphi/C+...
Golden Oldies:
01JAN03 - New Year's Greets
Daily Reads:
Jon Udell (now with MS)
Jan 20, 2007
Jon got into the whole issue of IT and development
Jon's Radio (now
/ archived)
June 10, 2006
Jon got into the whole issue of IT and development
Dan Bricklin
Jun 27, 2006
Dan's WikiCalc is getting rolled into the SocialText system.
Doc Searls
Eric Meyer
Scripting News
Joho the Blog
Joel on Software
Silicon Valley - Dan Gillmor's eJournal
Tantek's Thoughts
Aaron Swartz - the blog
Boing Boing
O'Reilly Blogs
an 8 year-old (blake!)
asa'a notblog
Eric Norlin @ ZDNet
@ ''Digital ID World''
Steve Gilmor
Richard MacManus | Web2.0 Explorer
Guy Kawasaki
Corante Many to Many
all noise - all the time
Flemming Funch's Metalogue
Metafilter _ Community Weblog
Nick Denton
Blogroll Me!
I uttered this: "
posted Friday, August 08, 2003 at 5:57 pm MST
I just killed the first version of this blog; everything before late February is now nothing but a memory. That, along with the archive that lost ... meh, nobody cares, right?
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